Vietnam Visual Arts in History Religion & Culture



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Chính sách – Khuyến mãi

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Gọi đặt mua 0913038803 (7.30 – 22.30)


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Author: Kerry Nguyễn-Long

Vietnam’s long and rich visual arts culture is the subject of this latest comprehensive English language publication titled Vietnam Visual Arts in History Religion and Culture. It presents, in accessible language, a broad survey across almost a thousand years and significantly revises and expands on Arts of Việt Nam 1009–1945 published in 2013. It brings new facts, new insights, reassessments of dating, and in some instances definitive conclusions. This new edition includes the latest findings from archaeological activities and scholarly research in a rapidly changing fluid vista, with updates on architectural sites, statuary, ceramics and more. The work of generations of mostly anonymous artisans and artists are encountered. Following an introductory chapter titled Forerunners, the visual arts are presented in 11 chapters, each bookended with a brief historical background and a concluding summary; a short retrospective chapter brings the book to a conclusion. Each artifact is presented in the context of its history, religious and culture. Different techniques employed by artisans are explained in easy-to-understand language. The book includes Vietnam’s visual culture during the colonial period of the 19th-20th centuries. This revised edition is copiously illustrated with over 300 coloured images many of which are new.

Format: 19,5×25,5cm; 496pp

Weight: 1800gr

Vietnam Visual Arts in History Religion & Culture


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